Arts faculty members Dr. Brianne Orr-Alvarez and Dr. Pheroze Unwalla have received the Dean of Arts Educational Leadership (EL) and Innovation Award.
Now in its second year, this award is open to all Assistant and Associate Professors of Teaching in the Faculty of Arts. The award offers EL faculty time to develop innovative approaches to teaching and learning that may not typically be funded through other UBC competitions.
Warmest congratulations to Dr. Orr-Alvarez and Dr. Unwalla on their awards!

Dr. Brianne Orr-Alvarez
Associate Professor of Teaching (Spanish), Department of French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies
Dr. Orr-Alvarez intends to consolidate and deepen the experience-based learning initiatives across French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies. Working with a range of language programs and modes of delivery, including community engagement, study abroad, exchange, and volunteer and work-learn placements, Dr. Orr-Alvarez will facilitate a department-wide discussion to identify key learning outcomes and goals of experiential learning. The initiative closely aligns with the transformative learning goals outlined in the Faculty of Arts and Student Strategic Plans, especially the principles of inclusive and equitable learning.

Dr. Pheroze Unwalla
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of History
Dr. Unwalla plans to further develop and build capacity in the Middle East Studies program, which is a new minor in the Faculty of Arts (since 2020). As part of the award, he will create a 100-level co-taught course and will initiate other curriculum changes at the third and fourth levels with the eventual goal of creating a major in MES. These developments closely align with the Faculty’s Strategic Plan, particularly Transformative Learning and Local and Global Engagement.