The Faculty of Arts welcomes Dr. Laura Moss as the new Associate Dean of Students beginning May 1, 2020 and Dr. Janice Stewart as the new Associate Dean of Innovation and Strategy beginning July 1, 2020.

Dr. Laura Moss
Associate Dean, Students
Dr. Laura Moss is a Professor in the Department of English Language and Literatures who joined UBC in 2002. She researches the literatures of Canada and Southern Africa in relation to literary theories of postcolonialism, diaspora, nationalism, and multiculturalism; intersections of art and public policy; and literary history. She holds the Brenda and David McLean Chair in Canadian Studies and serves as a member of the International Editorial Board for Commonwealth Essays and Studies (since 2005) and Editor of Canadian Literature (since 2015).
As Academic Convenor for Congress 2019, which brought to UBC 10,612 delegates from 73 scholarly associations in the humanities and social sciences, Dr. Moss was responsible for the design, planning, and logistics for all academic, social, and cultural programming for Congress. Dr. Moss has been recognized for her teaching excellence by a Killam Teaching Prize (2012-13).
As Associate Dean of Students, Dr. Moss will oversee recruitment and admissions; student awards and financial aid; student development and services; and will liaise with the Arts Undergraduate Society and other student societies.

Dr. Janice Stewart
Associate Dean, Innovation and Strategy
Dr. Janice Stewart is a Senior Instructor in the Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice. Her interests include critical theory, gender theory, anti-racist work, and Modernist writers such as Virginia Woolf and Emily Carr.
In addition to having taught across several undergraduate programs, Dr. Stewart designed and authored a MOOC titled: “Gender and Sexuality: Applications in Society” and she played a lead role in the Institute’s curriculum mapping and curriculum renewal initiatives. She is the recipient of a UBC Killam Teaching Prize. Dr. Stewart chaired the Critical Studies in Sexuality program since 2007, chaired the GRSJ undergrad program since 2012, and currently serves as Acting Co-Director of GRSJ.
As Associate Dean of Innovation and Strategy, Dr. Stewart will oversee external reviews of units and the faculty; faculty awards; continuing and professional education, digital, flexible learning and non-credit initiatives; progress on the faculty and university’s strategic plans; and will provide heads with strategic advice and access to Arts data analytics.