By Timmy Wong
If you are constantly at the high end of the stress level scale, it’s probably time to learn some new techniques to help you cope effectively with your stress and anxiety.
Your mental and physical well-being is vital to your success as a university student. Be proactive and check out the following free health and wellness resources:
UBC Thrive: building positive mental health for all, is a week-long event (October 17-21, 2011) hosted by the UBC Health Promotion Programs and Healthy Minds. The event’s goal is to get students, staff, and faculty thinking about mental well-being and investing in healthier living. Workshops are offered throughout the week on a variety of topics.
Healthy Minds at UBC is a blog that discusses health-related topics from a student perspective. The blog is run by the Wellness Centre’s student health promotions team. Check out their video featuring students and faculty discussing the importance of a balanced lifestyle.
The UBC Wellness Centre in the SUB is staffed by trained student volunteers who are there to answer your general health and wellness questions. Don’t have a specific question? No problem. You can still drop by to browse their informational displays and brochures.
The Mental Health Awareness Club was established to provide opportunities to discuss and promote mental health awareness throughout the UBC campus and community. The club aims to eliminate stigma around mental illness and create an environment where students, staff and faculty members can discuss and learn about mental health together.
UBC Counselling Services is a counselling service offered to UBC students. It is free and confidential, and students can drop in on an as-needed basis to speak to a counsellor. Students often request assistance on learning to cope effectively with concerns such as stress, anxiety, indecision, anger management, depression, concentration, and/or relationships.
The Kaleidoscope is a student-run mental health support group for those affected by mental illness or addictions.
UBC Reports, Public Affairs’ monthly publication, often covers student mental health and well-being stories. Check out:
How to thrive at UBC – 8 tips to ensure optimal physical health and mental well-being
UBC makes mental health a priority – Different resources around UBC and in the Vancouver community that tackle the issue of mental health and wellness