How to write for and talk to employers: A lecture with Dr. Anne Krook

In this slide lecture with Dr. Anne Krook, Arts students gain insight into how to navigate the job market from the perspective of hiring managers. Dr. Krook then equips students to communicate the skill set developed from their Arts degrees in a way that matters to hiring managers.

By sharing an exercise and template on how to translate their university experience, Dr. Krook’s lecture empowers Arts students to write for and talk to employers.

After seven years as an assistant professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Dr. Anne Krook began her thirteen-year career at Amazon, holding various roles in US and International website development, program management, internal audit, and infrastructure. Dr. Krook was the VP of operations at Mindbloom and Synapse. She now chairs the Board of Directors at Lambda Legal. She is also the author of “Now What Do I Say?: Practical Workplace Advice for Younger Women.”