Klein is an associate professor at the School of journalism and freelance producer with CBS News 60 Minutes. He has also held positions at ABC News 20/20 and Nightline, and helped launch New York Times TV.
In 2009, Klein was motivated to start UBC’s International Reporting Program upon witnessing the growing hole in international reporting in the mainstream media. As mainstream media outlets started to close their foreign bureaus, he noted that many important international stories go under-reported, or not reported at all.
The program allows students to learn the craft of international reporting from first-hand experience. Students spend their first semester learning theories and reading articles in class, and apply their book knowledge telling under-reported stories around the world during their second semester.
“Instead of just talking about international reporting, the best way to learn about it is to get your hands dirty, to do it to learn about the craft,” said Klein. “Students realize how challenging it can be, reporting in developing countries and dealing with ethical issues face-to-face. For many of them, the experience is life changing and they’ve gone on to do international reporting professionally.”
The program has taken off with great success since it was founded. Their first project investigating the global electronic waste trade took them to Ghana, India and China. The resulting Frontline/WORLD documentary earned them the Emmy for Best Investigative Magazine Story last year, as well as the prestigious Sigma Delta Chi Award for Best Documentary.
In his new role as Acting Director, Klein hopes to raise the profile of the School of Journalism as a leader in digital media, and expand the International Reporting Program into a centre that will support major works of journalism.
Klein takes over the position from current Director Mary Lynn Young, who has been appointed Associate Dean, Communications and Strategy for the Faculty of Arts.