Six Arts professors were recently selected as recipients of the 2023/24 Dean of Arts Faculty Research award.
This award allows research faculty to devote their time to research for one semester by reducing teaching or administrative duties. Congratulations to all the recipients!
- Dr. Barbara Lee, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Research project: Exploring the Barriers and Facilitators for Effective Child Welfare Intervention: The Experiences of Asian Children and Families involved in the Child Welfare System in Canada - Dr. Evan Thompson, Professor, Philosophy
Research project: Dying: Our Ultimate Transformation - Dr. Fatema Amijee, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Research project: A Defense of Moderate Metaphysical Rationalism - Dr. Kimberly Bain, Assistant Professor, English Language and Literatures
Research project: On Black Breath - Dr. Peter James Hudson, Associate Professor, Geography
Research project: George Padmore And The Pan-African Century - Dr. Sebastian Prange, Associate Professor, Asian Studies
Research project: Orientalism’s Origins: Balthasar Sprenger’s Sea Voyage to India