By Tara Simonetta
“Stressed” may be “desserts” backwards, but that doesn’t mean you should abandon healthy eating habits as soon as midterms begin. When stress hits – and it hits all of us – the best defense is a healthy lifestyle. Eating well, exercising, relaxing, and taking mental breaks are all effective techniques for alleviating stress. To help you on your way, we have composed a list of resources at UBC that will help you champion your stress.
1. Live Well to Learn Well – An entire section on the UBC Student Services website is dedicated to wellness resources. Whether you need to see a doctor, speak to a counsellor, find tips to manage stress, or even need advice on living with roommates, Live Well to Learn Well is your one-stop resource for health services at UBC.
2. Thrive@UBC – Coming up in November, this week-long event (Nov. 5-9, 2012) promotes all aspects of healthy living through a week’s worth of events. It is designed to open up dialogue about healthy living at UBC, increase awareness of resources, enable members of the community to make healthy choices, and make UBC a healthier community. This event is the perfect way to kick-off your move towards healthier living.
3. UBC REC – Now that you’ve learned tips for a healthy lifestyle from Thrive@UBC, why not sign up for a class or join an intramural sports team at UBC REC? Exercising helps reduces stress, boosts mood, and is excellent for overall health. UBC REC offers a whole range of activities, from intramural sports to martial arts to yoga and, of course, Storm the Wall. Try free classes at the beginning of each term during Shopping Week.
4. @UBCHealthy – The UBC Healthy Life Twitter account is designed to provide students with tips and opportunities for healthy living. Their goal is to “help you take care of yourself, stay safe, and enjoy life at UBC.” Following @UBCHealthy is an easy step towards leading a healthier life.
5. AMS Speakeasy – When you need someone to talk to, Speakeasy is there to provide a non-judgmental, supportive ear to students and faculty. Whether experiencing stress or seeking other community resources, Speakeasy will provide you with the help you need. No problem is too big or too small.
6. UBC Chaplains – If you seek spiritual health, UBC Chaplains offers spiritual counseling in Muslim, Jewish, Christian, and Bahá’í faiths. Many of the Chaplains run student groups that you can join, and offer opportunities to engage with the faith tradition they represent. Visit their webpage for more information on faith denominations and services.
7. Chapman Learning Commons – Chances are that your stress is being caused by assignments, midterms, presentations, and deadlines. While exercise, health tips and spirituality can help, when it comes to acing your next midterm, the Chapman Learning Commons is the place to go for academic support. You will have access to a dedicated study space, technology, tutoring services, academic resources, and more.
8. Wellness Centre – Want more resources for healthy living? Visit the Wellness Centre in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Trained student volunteers will help connect you with the tools you need to live a healthy, low(er) stress life.