Design Your Major: Interdisciplinary Studies Information Session

Tuesday June 21, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This workshop is for BA students interested in designing a custom Arts major with the Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST) major. Hosted by the IDST Program Chair and Arts Advisors.

Learn more about combining your varied academic interests into a coherent academic plan with the IDST major. Learn about the program design process, admission requirements, and program structure of the IDST major.

Before you attend the workshop, you can review information about the program online. Bring a notetaking device and prepare your questions in advance.

This workshop will occur online using Zoom. Download the free Zoom app or join via web browser (Google Chrome preferred) on a computer, laptop or mobile device.

Join the workshop on June 21 at 11 a.m.

Meeting ID: 657 4389 9726

Passcode: 289041