Chart Your Degree: Degree Navigator – September 16

Friday September 16, 2022
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Who this is for: All BA students.

In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to access Degree Navigator and use it for course planning. Through a case study, you will understand how to interpret a Degree Navigator report and use it to make informed decisions. Time will be set aside for a live Q&A.

If you are new to UBC, attend a “Degree Requirements” workshop before attending this one.

Make sure you have downloaded the free Zoom app, or join via web browser (Google Chrome preferred) on a computer, laptop or mobile device. The Zoom link to join this workshop will be emailed to you upon registration.

What to expect during the virtual session

  • Your microphone will be off and video will be optional during the session
  • Questions may be posed in the chat or by raising your hands throughout the session
  • You may be asked to unmute for questions if clarification is needed