Academic Concession

If you experience unanticipated events or circumstances that interfere with your ability to accomplish your academic coursework, you may be eligible for academic concession.

If you are already registered with the Centre for Accessibility and your concession is related to your registered medical condition or disability, contact your Accessibility Advisor.

If your situation is related to an experience of sexual violence, you have the option of contacting UBC’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) (604) 822-1588 who can assist you with your academic concession.

If you need immediate emotional, mental, or physical support, find a UBC health and wellness resource to help you.

Grounds for academic concession

You may be eligible for academic concession when one or more of the conditions listed below unexpectedly hinders your ability to complete an assignment or participate in classes or an examination:

In all cases, your request for academic concession should be made as early as reasonably possible to your instructor or Arts Academic Advising. If you are not an Arts undergraduate student, you should consult with your home faculty for your concession.

Types of academic concession

The most appropriate type of concession (standing deferred, in-term-concession, withdrawal etc.) will be determined by your unique situation and the academic requirements for your course.

Initiating academic concession

In-term concession

You may be eligible for an in-term concession if you meet the following criteria:

  • You missed a graded requirement in a course
  • The course is still in progress
  • You have been attending regularly and are up-to-date in the course
  • Your studies were impacted for a short time
  • You have grounds for academic concession

If you believe you are eligible for in-term concession, immediately consult your course syllabus to understand your options or speak with your instructor.

Your instructor may ask you to complete a Student Self-Declaration form to process your concession, or they may refer you to work with Arts Academic Advising about the in-term concession. Follow the steps below if you are referred to Arts Academic Advising.

All other academic concession situations

  1. As soon as possible, complete the academic concession form so an advisor can review your case. There is no need to speak with an advisor before filling out the form, as they will not be able to process your concession case unless the form is filled out.
  2. You will receive a response with a decision or next steps within 5–7 business days.

Deadlines to initiate academic concession

Initiate your in-term concession as soon as possible, generally within 72 hours.

For end-of-term concession (deferred standing and late withdrawal), initiate as early as possible, but no later than:

  • January 15, for Winter Session, Term 1
  • May 15, for Winter Session, Term 2
  • September 15, for Summer Session

Standing deferred process and deadlines

If your academic concession is approved and an “SD” has been added to your student record:

  1. Apply through the SSC to write your exam(s) in the application period outlined by Enrolment Services.
  2. Write your deferred exam as scheduled by Enrolment Services.
    • Deferred exams for Winter session courses are held the following July/August.
      • Please note that the 2024 SD exam period will take place July 15 to July 26, 2024.
    • Deferred exams for Summer Session courses are held in November.
  3. Submit incomplete coursework as per your instructor’s directions (including deadline). This must be no later than:
    • August 23, for Winter Session
      • Please note that the 2024 deadline for submitting incomplete coursework is August 17, 2024.
    • December 25, for Summer Session


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