Media Studies (BMS Program)
The Bachelor of Media Studies (BMS) program at UBC is a multidisciplinary, direct-entry program in the Faculty of Arts. Combining artistic, technical, and analytical skills, the program is designed to help students understand the impact of technological innovation on our interactions in society.
Law and Society Minor
The Law and Society Minor at UBC introduces students to ideas, concepts, and frameworks about the nature of law and legal processes in a local, global, and historical context. This program examines the connections and relationships of law and society using an interdisciplinary approach that draws from scholarship in law, sociology, history, anthropology, political science, and related areas.
Latin American Studies
Latin American Studies is an interdisciplinary program designed to give students a general knowledge of and strong approach to the language, culture, society, geography, political systems, and history of Latin America. The Latin American Studies program at UBC offers majors and minors options to all students.
International Relations
The International Relations (IR) program examines the global interactions between states, non-state actors, as well as economic and social structures and the processes that connect them. At UBC, the IR program enables students to develop an in-depth understanding by combining the insights and perspectives of different disciplines such as Economics, History, and Political Science, with the study of languages.
Interdisciplinary Studies (BA Program)
The Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST) BA Program offers a multidisciplinary alternative to the traditional, department-based major. Students admitted to the program design their own cross-disciplinary course of study to progress their individual academic and professional goals.
Health and Society Minor
The Health and Society Minor (HESO) offers a multidisciplinary exploration of issues pertaining to health, illness, and society from perspectives inherent to the social sciences and humanities. HESO enables students to learn about such key issues in health including: the social determinants, beliefs and behaviours, cultural representations, and inequalities.
First Nations and Indigenous Studies Program
First Nations and Indigenous Studies provides students with an understanding of the histories, contemporary realities, and political concerns of Indigenous peoples in Canada and beyond. Founded in 2001, students are provided extensive experience with Indegenous political theory and politics, aesthetics, literature, and contemporary social concerns.
First Nations and Endangered Languages Program
The First Nations and Endangered Languages Program (FNEL) marks UBC’s commitment to community-based collaboration with the First Nations people, in recognition of the profound importance of First Nations languages and the rich cultural traditions they represent. The FNEL offers courses in First Nations languages, as well as methodology classes on language documentation, conservation and revitalization.
Environment and Society
The minor in Environment and Society allows students to consider and explore both the consequences of humankind’s actions on the environment and the accumulating impact of these actions. Through Arts disciplines that focus on the human experience, students will examine strategies that address environmental problems and promote a sustainable society.
School of Creative Writing
The School of Creative Writing program at UBC combines the best of traditional workshop and leading-edge pedagogy. Taught by published and award-winning writers, this literary cross-training offers opportunities in a broad range of genres including fiction, poetry, screenplay, podcasting, videogame writing, and graphic novels.