
Language Sciences Institute

Language touches every area of our lives. Language sciences explores how. The UBC Language Sciences Institute aims to shape the future of this field by connecting scholars, researchers, and teachers to create collaborations that result in ground-breaking research.

Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery

The Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery promotes understanding and discussion of contemporary art and ideas through its curated exhibitions, programs, publications, special projects and loans from its collection and archive. Since its inception in 1948 as the UBC Fine Arts Gallery, the Belkin has offered artists and communities space to discuss, engage and respond critically to the present. We believe that art is a form of research that produces knowledge, bringing local, national and international perspectives to the role that art can play in fostering civil societies. Admission is always free and everyone is welcome.

Study of Religion 2023W1 Sessional Lecturer

July 14, 2023 The Study in Religion program at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver campus) is accepting applications for a part-time sessional lecturer to teach the following course:   Winter 2023 Courses, Term 1: (September – December 2023) Course / Section Title Credits Schedule RGST 200 101 Introduction to the Study of Religion 3 […]

Law and Society Minor Program (Sessional Lecturer 2023W2)

May 9, 2023 The Law and Society Minor program at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver campus) is accepting applications for a part-time sessional lecturer to teach the following courses:   Winter 2023 Courses, Term 2: (January-April 2024) Course / Section Title Credits Schedule LASO 204 102 Introduction to Law and Society 3 Mon, Wed […]

Language Sciences Co-Director

May 4, 2023 Call for Applicants Language Sciences Co-Director Applications are invited to fill the position of Co-Director of the Language Sciences Global Research Excellence Institute, at UBC Vancouver, for a three-year term, with an anticipated start date of January 1st, 2024. The new Language Sciences (LangSci) Co-Director will work alongside returning Co-Director Dr. Bryan […]

Latin American Studies program (Sessional Lecturer 2023W T1)

April 27, 2023 The Latin American Studies program at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver campus) is accepting applications for a part-time sessional lecturer to teach the following course:   Winter 2023 Courses, Term 1: (September – December 2023) Course/Section: LAST 205 101 Title: Issues of Development in Modern Latin America Credits: 3 Schedule: Mon, […]

Centre for Computational Social Science

The Centre for Computational Social Sciences provides an intellectual and pedagogical hub for faculty and students engaged in cutting edge computational scholarship and training, providing a network of support for faculty and students needing access to infrastructure, ongoing training, and connections to leading global scholarship in computational social science. CCSS will enable UBC to be a leader in advancing our understanding of society using computational methods, and in understanding the impact of data and computation on society and the inequalities within.

Centre for Asian Canadian Research and Engagement

The Centre for Asian Canadian Research and Engagement (ACRE) focuses on meaningful community-based research and on building a more socially just future for Asian Canadian communities and beyond.

Language Sciences Institute

This UBC Language Sciences Global Research Excellence Institute aims to connect scholars, teachers, and researchers working in all areas of the language sciences, to create collaborations that produce and support innovative research. From investigating children’s development of language, to examining dyslexia and recovery from stroke, to helping the revitalization and maintenance of Indigenous languages, to modelling the human vocal tract, its research helps improve lives, and inform society.

Public Humanities Hub

The Public Humanities Hub is an interdisciplinary academic hub for faculty, graduate students, and staff that highlights and develops public-racing research in the humanities. It fosters incubation, cultivates collaboration, and promotes advocacy of research excellence in the public humanities at UBC-Vancouver and beyond.