Immerse yourself in live music, theatre, opera, film, contemporary and fine art, a world-renowned Museum of Anthropology, and more.
The UBC Arts and Culture District educates and showcases student creatives and scholars, presents world-renowned performers, and is home to innovative public programs and international exhibitions. We also offer an annual Artivism Festival and International Women’s Day event.
We hold the creative and performing arts as core to deep disciplinary knowledge and applied research, and as the key to a fulfilled and connected life.
Featured News
Upcoming Events
Exhibitions, Students
To be seen, to be heard: First Nations in Public Spaces, 1900–1965
location_on Museum of Anthropology

Exhibitions, Festival, Students, Workshops
Slow Fashion Season – Reclaim, Remake, Rebel!

Art Exhibition: Town + Country: Narratives of Property and Capital
location_on Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery

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Contact us
Deb Pickman (She/Her/They)
Special Projects, UBC Arts & Culture District
604 319 7656