Sarah Kwak

Year and program: Third-year, Political Science and Philosophy double major

Where is home for you? Kamloops, BC

What three adjectives best describe you?

Curious, passionate, creative

What extracurricular activities have you been involved with (UBC related or not)?

– Motion of Colour, TELUS WISE, Safely Connected
– UBC Political Science Student Association (PSSA), UBC Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS), UBC Social Justice Centre, UBC Office of Regional and International Community Engagement (ORICE)

What is your best study strategy/tip?

Join study groups! Studying alone definitely has a role to play in getting things finished, but working with others can help your task seem less daunting to start. Collaborating with peers allows you to gain different perspectives, share resources, and clarify difficult concepts: finding your community is crucial, and studying together is one step to getting there.

If you could travel back in time to your first year at UBC, what is one thing you would do differently?

I would be more open to opportunity! UBC is a big school, and while the sheer number of students can feel overwhelming at first, it shouldn’t stop you from taking chances, and trying new things. Join that club, reach out to that person, and apply to that position!